If you’re afraid to trim your dog’s nails, you’re not alone! If your pup is afraid of nail clippers, they are not alone!
Because pup-nails tend to grow quickly, it isn’t always practical to utilize a groomer due to time, costs, or both.
The top concern for many pet owners is safety; nobody wants to injure their pet while trimming their nails (stay tuned for an article on how to handle nail trimming injuries). Secondly, this procedure becomes even more stress-inducing if your dog fears having their nails trimmed.
How to Prepare Your Puppy
While petting your puppy, touch their paws and put gentle pressure on their toes. Next, show them the clippers and demonstrate how they work so that they become accustomed to the sound. Let them sniff and investigate the clippers.
How to Prepare Yourself
It never hurts to watch a video! Here is one option:
What if My Dog is Already Afraid?
This isn’t uncommon! We rescued a mixed-breed dog named Arlo, and he was TERRIFIED at even the sight of nail clippers! If your adult dog is afraid of clippers or having their nails clipped, take baby steps and practice patience. The process will take longer, but you CAN teach an adult or old dog new tricks.
Practice Gentle Paw Handling
As you pet your puppy or adult dog, work your way down to their paws. As you pet the paws, gently squeeze each toe. If they react favorably, gently apply pressure to each nail. If all goes well, you are on the right track! If your dog shows signs of distress, take a break and repeat the process.
Sounds and Treats
Now it is time to get your dog used to the sound of clippers. As you open and close the clippers, talk to your dog and offer them a treat.
Getting Closer
Take your dog’s paw and place the clippers close to it. If this goes well, you are ready to go! Please refer to the following graphic to avoid injury to your dog. For clippers, take a look at some of the top options on Amazon by clicking here! Please note that as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This helps “keep the lights” on for this blog.